Tarot Reading


Tarot Card Reading is simply reading the energies; it’s not about predicting the future but receiving guidance for your life. We use Tarot Cards and interpret the energies that are shown by the cards for your specific situation and receive guidance for your present and future and also receive answers to your past experiences to understand them better in order to move forward. It provides clarity of thoughts and helps in decision making, choosing the right career path for yourself.

Tarot Cards spreads can also help with- personal relationships, your soul purpose, guidance for attracting the right partner in your life, and even how to let go of the past relationship and move on. Tarot Readings will show you what needs to be released, adapt, so you can create the reality you wish to see, if you feel you are ready to change your life and are looking for a map to guide you then kindly have a look at the below various spreads and choose the one that reflects your situation.

Q1. How can I get in energetic alignment with my desire?
Q2. An action I can take to manifest my desire?
Q3. Something I have to master to manifest my desire?
Q4. Any time period by when my desire will be fulfilled?
 Q1. What are my present energies at my work?
 Q2. How can I improve them?
 Q3. What should I avoid doing?
Q4. How are the energies in future if I stay in this job?
Q5. What changes do I need to bring in myself for attracting abundance?
Q6. Anything else I need to know?
Q1. How are the energies of my Business right now?
Q2. What can I do to improve my Business?
Q3. What should I avoid doing?
Q4. What kind of marketing do I need to invest in?
Q5. Future energies for my business?
Q6. What changes I need to bring in myself for attracting abundance?
Q1)How does my inner child feel currently?
Q2)What I lacked as a child?
Q3(Something that left my inner child scared?
Q4)How is that affecting  my life now?
Q5)Something I can do to heal my inner child now?
Q1. How are my energies with this person right now?
Q2. How does he/she really feel about me?
Q3. What is the highest guidance for this relationship?
Q4. What are the energies for us in the future?
Q5. What can I do to feel more love within myself?
Q6. Any other higher guidance for me?
This is one particular question reading only which will be answered in detail.
 You can ask 3 questions regarding the same situation and answers will be given in detail.
Q1. What is my current parenting Style?
Q2. How is this style helping my  family?
Q3.  How is  this style  not helping my family?
Q4. How can I  adapt my  parenting style to be more beneficial?
Q5. A message from spirit about my parenting?
 Q1. Where are you right now?
Q2. Potential challenges?
Q3. What to focus on?
Q4. Your past?
Q5. Your strengths?
Q6. Near future?
Q7. Suggested approach?
Q8. What you need to know?
Q9. Hopes and fears?
Q10. Your potential future?
Q1. What is my soul personality?
Q2. Whats my soul purpose?
Q3. Advice for soul development?
Q4. Advice for progress?
Q5. Am I fulfilling my soul purpose?
Q1. What should I focus on physically to lose weight and become healthy?
Q2. What should I focus on mentally to lose weight and become healthy? 
Q3. What should I focus on emotionally to lose weight and become healthy?
Q4.  What should I focus on spiritually  to lose weight and become healthy? 
Q5. Do you have any more advice for me about losing weight and becoming healthy?
Q1. Why have I not found them?
Q2. How to overcome it?
Q3. What can I do to meet them?
Q4. How will I know them?
Q5. Where will I find them?
Q6. When will I find them?
Q7. Guidance/Tips?
Q8. My first impression of them?
Q9. Common bond between us?
Q10. Wisdom for the future.?
Q1. Something from last year I need to let go of?
Q2. A card to represent the upcoming energies in my life?
Q3. What can I do to improve them even more?
Q4. Something new to look forward to this year?
Q5. How can I be the best version of myself?
Q1. How can I make my Career excel?
Q2. How can I make my love relationship more joyful?
Q3. What can I do to make my Family relationship more harmonious?
Q1)Energy that surrounds me right now?
Q2)How does the surrounding energy affect me?
Q3)What can I do to cleanse my energies
Q4)How can I raise my energetic vibration?
Q1)Why am I considering following this option?
Q2)What does this option have in store for me?
Q3)What would I learn following this option?
Q4)Something I should understand about this option?
Q5)A message from spirit about this option?
Q1. What’s my current health status?
Q2. How did I create this?
Q3. Action to be taken to improve my health?
Q4. Everyday actions that can improve health?
Q5. What feelings to cultivate to improve health?
Q1)What does my aura look like right now?
Q2)What does my aura feel like right now?
Q3)What is stuck in my aura field?
Q4)What can I do to cleanse my aura?
Q5How can I make my aura stronger?
Q1)What’s the highest  message spirit guide wants to give me?
Q2)How is spirit guides trying to help me?
Q3)How can I connect with  them better in future?
Q4)What will help me to follow the advice?
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