Manifestation Session with Theta Healing

The whole world nowadays talks about how we can manifest anything we want, yet many times our own behavior/habits or subconscious belief system does not allow us to make our manifestation come true. Many fears stop our manifestation. For Example-Someone might consciously try to compliment themselves, but a deeply ingrained negative self-image from childhood in the subconsciousness might lead them to dismiss those positive thoughts or when someone consciously believes they are capable in their job, but subconsciously harbors a belief that they are not good enough, leading them to sabotage their own success even when they are aware on a conscious level. These are just examples of how our subconscious works, it’s like a memory bank in the computer, unless changes are made there, the screen will keep showing old visions.
Some Frequently Asked Questions
What does a session involve?
I take you through a guided meditation to ground your energies and relax your body. We start by asking many questions to find out what’s the root cause of why your manifestation has not come true. These can relate to your childhood or any other areas of your life depending on what I see in theta state. Once we find the root cause, we release that with the energies and also give download to your subconscious to achieve your manifestation with a positive belief system. Theta state is simply a brainwave where our subconscious is most open to change. This is a very interactive session.
Important Reminders-Please do not come for a session where you have not slept well the previous day or you are under any intoxication.
The session is for one hour.