Corporate Meditation

Book your Corporate Meditation Today!

Latest studies at Howard have shown that the main reasons for employees to leave the company are based on how they are being treated at their workplace by their Boss, Senior Mangers.” They learned that what really affects people is their sense of how they are doing compared with other people in their peer group or with where they thought they would be at certain point in life”.

We all are very much aware of the cost of losing good employees. Investing in brining Meditation for the senior mangers assures a long
lasting impact on their behavior skills with the other team members.

When the CEO, VP’s Senior Managers are able to handle their own stress and pressure and are able to display patience and good behavior with rest of the team members, it truly brings out more productivity and enhances their wellbeing.

The Fifth Element Spiritual offers guided meditations for companies of any size, including online and offline meditations. Our meditations are customized to your specific needs and cater to the levels of your employees/client’s pace.

All meditations are given by the founder of The Fifth Element Spiritual, Minerva Jain.

Book today for a Free Session of (60) minutes for any corporate which has more than 50 employees.

The Fifth Element Spiritual offers guided Online / Live corporate meditation programs.
These meditations can assist your employees in:-

  • Increase attention span
  • Reduce physical anxiety
  • Helps more blood to reach brain cells leading to more clarity
  • Helps senior managers to make more valuable decisions with ease
  • Helps in reducing reactions and increase action
  • Reduce stress and negativity
  • Increase clarity, productivity & efficiency
  • Increase employee retention
  • Boost feelings of wellness, gratitude & compassion and team work
  • Increase clarity, productivity & efficiency.
  • Increase employee retention.
  • Boost feelings of wellness, gratitude and compassion.

A 60 minute program includes:
Intro to Meditation – What it is, benefits for the mind and body.

Guided Meditation – Through different types of mindfulness designed
to train the mind to focus on the present moment and to release stress.

Group Discussion – How did it go for you? Plus some Q&A time.

Tips & Advice – For building your own daily meditation practice (How
and When to meditate and for How long?)

You’ll be prompted to share some background information & goals so your session is 100% catered to you.

Corporate In- Person Meditation Session (60 minutes) at 4000 INR

Corporate Online Meditation Session (60 minutes) at 2500 INR

We provide various guided meditations based on your requirements. Each specific meditation is customized to enhance and train your neurons of the brain for a specific outcome. Our various Guided Meditations and their key principle are given below:-

If unable to decide, kindly connect with us with what you would like to achieve for your employees and we will connect with you with the details.

This Meditation is specially designed with tools to train your brain to increase your attention span for longer time without losing your flow by outer distractions. It helps to bring a zen zone while they work so they are able to finish projects with more ease and less stress on body and mind. It increases productivity, attention to detail, and finish projects and meetings with a calmer body and mind.

This Meditation is focused on bringing a sense of calmness and centeredness to your whole being. These mantras are guided without any association with religion, caste, or creed. The word or words themselves bring a sense of balance, joy, and a vision of serenity.

This Meditation is specific to relax the body, mind, and soul to release all the burdens that we carry every single day emotionally. This Meditation is immensely beneficial for groups who go through a lot of stress and manage big projects where the pressure is high on them all the time. This meditation gives them an hour to just calm the immune system, and the survival mechanism, and provide an hour of pure bliss. It helps the body to re energize for the work ahead.

This particular meditation is good for employees who do lot of physical movements in their work environment. It is also useful for employees who sit for long hours at one space. This guided meditation brings relaxation to each part of the body and helps to relax the immune system, muscles, and tissues and is able loosen the body.

This wonderful guided meditation is designed for employees who are more prone to negative thinking and are easily demotivated in life. This meditation teaches your cells consciously and subconsciously to pay attention to all the things that we still have and can be grateful for while striving for more. This meditation brings positive changes in employees life and motivates them and trains their mind to have more courage and be less influenced by negative issues naturally.

This meditation helps employees to be aware of their fears that stop them from achieving their goals. Our subconscious pattern many times contradicts our conscious dreams. This meditation uses visuals and creative imagination to unlock their inner potential and future goals. The group is taken on a journey by the facilitator where they visualize with closed eyes achieving their career goals. It’s a powerful meditation to motivate employees.

This meditation is designed to give the employees a sense of support in their life. It provides them with knowingness that they are safe and protected in their work environment. When employees stop working from a survival mode, they are able to work more efficiently and are also able to have more confidence and less rivalry with their peer groups. It’s promotes harmony and trust in life.

This meditation helps employees to be more in the present moment and train their mind to give full attention to whatever they are doing. It helps their mind to not be distracted by random thoughts .This meditation focus on bringing awareness back to your breath again and again and is more beneficial for companies who are open in having sessions three to four times a week

We can deliver everyday guided meditation at your company or online, on a weekly or monthly basis. You will see the benefits immediately after your first session.

You will notice a positive difference (not just while meditating) but also in the productivity of your employee’s work, their focus, their attention to detail, their attitudes to work and life, and their personal life with the various programs of meditation with The Fifth Element Spiritual.

These meditations no matter which one you choose is not only accessible but also powerful to build and sustain a daily practice and set your employees on a course of more energy , alertness, understanding, teamwork, confidence and working with less stress and tiredness.

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